Strategic Hires

A proven track record for placing directors and strategic ICs for high-growth companies

How it works

We take the best practices of executive search and offer an end-to-end consultative experience to place directors and strategic ICs. With data on 100M candidates and 10M companies, we fully map the market for a better fit - faster.

We've placed hundreds of directors and strategic ICs for VC-backed startups

Director, Enterprise Sales
Director of Demand Gen
Director of CS, Enterprise
Head of Revenue Operations
Director of Customer Success


We excel where others struggle

We don't think you should be limited to the candidates your search firm knows. We fully map the market and deliver engaged candidates with a white-glove experience on every search. The result - we place hires with a better bi-directional fit, faster.


of presented candidates are interviewed


average weeks to meet the final hire


weeks to close a typical search


We have deep expertise in hiring for VC-backed technology companies

Our team has placed hundreds of impactful hires in Sales, Marketing, Customer Success at high-growth technology companies.
Recently Placed Roles
Nick Wassenberg
Courtney Thornton
Recently Placed Roles
Kirti Dewan
Dave Cavino
Alex Liegel
Chantal Rapport
Recently Placed Roles
Ferren Warner
Dan Lee
Scott Harralson
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Chief Revenue Officer | VP and Head of Sales | Account Executives | Sales Engineering | Solutions Architects | Sales Operations

Nick Wassenberg
Recently Placed Roles
Dave Freeman
Recently Placed Roles
Jorge Tapias
Recently Placed Roles
Courtney Thornton
Recently Placed Roles
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Chief Marketing Officer | VP and Head of Marketing | Demand Generation | Product Marketing | Content, PR, and Comms | Growth Marketing | Community Marketing

Kirti Dewan
Recently Placed Roles
Dave Cavino
Recently Placed Roles
Alex Liegel
Recently Placed Roles
Chantal Rapport
Recently Placed Roles
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Customer Success
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VP and Head of CS | VP and Head of CX | Customer Success Manager | Account Manager | Technical Account Manager

Ferren Warner
Recently Placed Roles
Dan Lee
Recently Placed Roles
Scott Harralson
Recently Placed Roles
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Our technology-streamlined process delivers results

When hiring is critical, you don’t want to feel like you’re rolling the dice with your search firm. We combine a technology-streamlined process and expertise to ensure you get the results you need every time.



Our calibration process and data-driven search enables us to quickly bring clarity to your role and then hone in on the candidates with the strongest bi-directional fit.



We deliver deeply vetted profiles matched to your precise hiring criteria so you can focus your time on hiring, not disqualifying. Candidates arrive engaged and interested in your company.



50% of hires we've placed were introduced within 2 weeks. With our comprehensive profiles and data-centric approach, hiring managers save an average of 60 hours per hire.


From executive hires to team builds, we build high-growth teams

executive search

A consultative, end-to-end search for VP and leadership roles

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team build

Dedicated search professionals embedded as internal talent partners to meet ambitious hiring goals

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Make impactful hires faster with Candidate Labs